● 審美與創意表現
Aesthetics and Creative Expression
● 探索周圍的環境
Discovery of the World
● 語言與文學
Language and Literacy
● 運動技能發展
Motor Skills Development
● 早期數學
● 社會和情緒發展
Social and Emotional Development
● 靈商(SQ)一好奇好問愛創造
Spiritual Quotient(SQ)—Be curious and creative
● 情商(EQ)一樂觀自信善溝通
Emotion Quotient(EQ)-Be optimistic, confident and well-communicated
● 學商(LQ)一聆聽樂學會思考
Learning Quotient(LQ)-Be thoughtful and well-listened
● 膽商(DQ)一大膽堅強敢探索
Daring Quotient(DQ)-Be brave and strong to explore
● 健商(HQ)一健康純真爰運動
Health Quotient(HQ)-Be healthy, pure and sporty